Maybe you are bored with playing the game from the beginning, this article will be about Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Cheats Code to help you play the game much more fun

A lot of these newer hacks of Emerald seem to be blocking cheats, and the Pokemon Modifier cheats are the major victims.

Table of Contents

The easiest and best way to cheat Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon is by using a Nintendo 3DS emulator.

Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Cheats Code List

1. Pokemon Modifier Cheats

These cheats affect Pokemon in the game, be it those you own or are encountered in the wild:

Encounter Legendary/Mythical Pokemon (PRESS SELECT WHILE WALKING IN THE TALL GRASS)

Zeraora (Entering this code will automatically allow Zeraora to appear if you press select while walking in the tall grass):

005B9FC0 E1D500B0
005B9FC4 E12FFF1E
005B9FC8 E5C40004
005B9FCC E59F0000
005B9FD0 E12FFF1E
005B9FD4 00000327
005B9FD8 00000180
003A7298 EB084B48
003A72A8 EB084B44
003A72C4 EB084B3D
DD000000 00000004
005B9FC4 E59F000C
D0000000 00000000

For the following legendaries, enter this code, and then change the YYY to the specific code of your chosen Pokemon:

005B9FC0 E1D500B0
005B9FC4 E12FFF1E
005B9FC8 E5C40004
005B9FCC E59F0000
005B9FD0 E12FFF1E
005B9FD4 00000YYY
005B9FD8 00000180
003A7298 EB084B48
003A72A8 EB084B44
003A72C4 EB084B3D
DD000000 00000004
005B9FC4 E59F000C
D0000000 00000000

Codes for the Legendary Pokemon

326 = Blacephalon
325 = Stakataka
323 = Poipole
322 = Marshadow
321 = Magearna
320 = Necrozma
289 = Genesect
288 = Meloetta
287 = Keldeo
286 = Kyurem
284 = Zekrom
283 = Reshiram
182 = Deoxys
181 = Jirachi
180 = Rayquaza
097 = Mew
096 = Mewtwo


Make all wild Pokemon you encounter Shiny:

005B9FF0 E5C40004
005B9FF4 EA000000
005B9FF8 E5C41006
003A7284 EB084B59
D0000000 00000000
DD000000 00000208
005B9FF4 E3A01001
D0000000 00000000
DD000000 00000108
005B9FF4 EA000000
D0000000 00000000

100% Catch Rate

No more wasted Pokeballs:

00666FDC E5D00008
00666FE0 E92D4003
00666FE4 E59D0010
00666FE8 E59F100C
00666FEC E1510000
00666FF0 024000F8
00666FF4 058D0010
00666FF8 E8BD8003
00666FFC 0070A824
004AB184 EB06EF94

Always Critical Hit

Deal the most damage every turn:

58087E30 E59D0000
50667018 00000000
00667018 00000010
D0000000 00000000
D0000000 00000000
60667018 00000000
D9000000 00667018
D6000000 00667018
D0000000 00000000
D3000000 00000000
50667018 00000001
08105F50 E59D0000
08105F54 E92D401E
08105F58 E59A1008
08105F5C E2813004
08105F60 E281401C
08105F64 E4932004
08105F68 E1500002
08105F6C 03A01001
08105F70 058D1018
08105F74 E1530004
08105F78 1AFFFFF9
08105F7C E8BD801E
08087E30 EB01F846
D0000000 00000000

HP Won’t Decrease During Battles

Make your Pokemon invulnerable:

580999EC E1D021B0
5066701C 00000000
0066701C 00000010
D0000000 00000000
D0000000 00000000
6066701C 00000000
D9000000 0066701C
D6000000 0066701C
D0000000 00000000
D3000000 00000000
5066701C 00000001
08105F94 E1D021B0
08105F98 E92D407C
08105F9C E59F2024
08105FA0 E59F3024
08105FA4 E2834018
08105FA8 E4925004
08105FAC E4936004
08105FB0 E1500005
08105FB4 11500006
08105FB8 03A01000
08105FBC E1530004
08105FC0 1AFFFFF8
08105FC4 E8BD807C
08105FC8 30000404
08105FCC 300073EC
080999EC EB01B168
D0000000 00000000

PP Won’t Decrease During Battles

Say goodbye to using ethers:

5808F868 E1A04000
50667020 00000000
00667020 00000010
D0000000 00000000
D0000000 00000000
60667020 00000000
D9000000 00667020
D6000000 00667020
D0000000 00000000
D3000000 00000000
50667020 00000001
08105FD4 E1A04000
08105FD8 E92D4007
08105FDC E59F0018
08105FE0 E2801018
08105FE4 E4902004
08105FE8 E1560002
08105FEC 03A04000
08105FF0 E1510000
08105FF8 E8BD8007
08105FFC 300073EC
0808F868 EB01D9D9
D0000000 00000000

Receive Egg From Daycare

Skip running with Taurus in the Paniola Ranch as you get more eggs with this cheat:

0045AAD4 E2800E1E
0045AAD8 E1D000D0
DD000000 00000008
0045AAD4 E3A01001
0045AAD8 E5C011E0
0045AADC EA007D37
D0000000 00000000

Instant Egg Hatch

Get more baby Pokemon with this cheat:

005B9E40 E59D000C
005B9E44 E59F500C
005B9E48 E1500005
005B9E4C 03A00000
005B9E50 11A00004
005B9E54 E12FFF1E
005B9E58 007024B4
004ADA5C EB0430F7

Easy Ultra Beast Encounter While Inside the Ultra Wormhole

No need to dodge those small warp holes if you’re hunting for Ultra Beasts:

002DD36C E3A01000

Instant Egg Hatch

Get more baby Pokemon with this cheat:

005B9E40 E59D000C
005B9E44 E59F500C
005B9E48 E1500005
005B9E4C 03A00000
005B9E50 11A00004
005B9E54 E12FFF1E
005B9E58 007024B4
004ADA5C EB0430F7

Unlock Mega Evolution

Take command of a Mega-evolved Pokemon:

6066F3DC 00000000
B066F3DC 00000000
B000001C 00000000
B0000024 00000000
B0000004 00000000
90000F68 FFFE0000
DA000000 00000F68
D4000000 00000001
D7000000 00000F68
D2000000 00000000

Use Mega Evolution Multiple Times

Remove the limiter of one mega-evolution per game:

580A5CD0 E12FFF32
50667024 00000000
00667024 00000010
D0000000 00000000
D0000000 00000000
60667024 00000000
D9000000 00667024
D6000000 00667024
D0000000 00000000
D3000000 00000000
50667024 00000001
080A5CD0 E3A00000
D0000000 00000000

Can Learn All Moves When Talking With the Move Reminder

Gain access to all moves as you talk with the Move Reminder:

004C320C E2850001
0044189C E3A01C02
004418A0 E28110D8
004418A4 E5851004

Rename All Pokemon When Talking With the Name Rater

Rename even those Pokemon that you don’t originally own:

004C527C E3A00001

No Encounter

You don’t need to use repels anymore:

5807E24C E3A00064
0807E244 E3A09000
DD000000 00000008
0807E244 E3A09064
D0000000 00000000
D0000000 00000000

Pokemon Can Learn Any HM/TM

Teach your Pokemon any move that you want:

004AB044 E3A00001

Catch Trainer’s Pokemon

Don’t be a thief! Unless you have this code:

00666F94 E1A04000
00666F98 E92D4003
00666F9C E59D0028
00666FA0 E59F1014
00666FA4 E1510000
00666FA8 05970004
00666FAC 0590000C
00666FB0 03A01000
00666FB4 05C01000
00666FB8 E8BD8003
00666FBC 00709E24
0045BCB4 EB082CB6

BP 9999

Buy all items from the Battle Tree shop:

6066F3DC 00000000
B066F3DC 00000000
B000001C 00000000
B0000024 00000000
B0000004 00000000
10003A00 0000270F
D2000000 00000000

Use these Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon cheats to make modifications to a Pokemon item, like berries, beans, Z Crystals, and more:

All Berries x950 (PRESS SELECT + UP)

Use every berry in the game:

DD000000 00000044
D3000000 33012598
D5000000 000ED895
C0000000 00000040
D6000000 00000000
D4000000 00000001
D1000000 00000000
D3000000 33012598
00000100 000EDAAE
00000104 000EDAAF
00000108 000EDAB0
D2000000 00000000

All Items x950 (PRESS SELECT + UP)

Maximize the supply of every item that you own:

DD000000 00000044
D3000000 33011934
E0000000 00000068
000ED801 000ED802
000ED803 000ED804
000ED805 000ED806
000ED807 000ED808
000ED809 000ED80A
000ED80B 000ED80C
000ED80D 000ED80E
000ED80F 000ED810
000ED837 000ED838
000ED839 000ED83A
000ED83B 000ED83C
000ED83D 000ED83E
000ED83F 000ED840
D5000000 000ED844
C0000000 0000002D
D6000000 00000068
D4000000 00000001
D1000000 00000000
D3000000 33011934
0000011C 000ED874
E0000120 00000050
000ED875 000ED876
000ED877 000ED887
000ED888 000ED889
000ED88A 000ED88B
000ED88C 000ED88D
000ED88E 000ED88F
000ED890 000ED891
000ED892 000ED893
000ED894 000ED8D5
000ED8D6 000ED8D7
D5000000 000ED8D9
C0000000 0000006F
D6000000 00000170
D4000000 00000001
D1000000 00000000
D3000000 33011934
E000032C 000001E8
000ED9E5 000ED9E6
000ED9E7 000ED9E8
000ED9E9 000ED9EA
000ED9EB 000ED9EC
000ED9ED 000ED9EE
000ED9EF 000ED9F0
000ED9F1 000ED9F2
000ED9F3 000ED9F4
000ED9F9 000ED9FA
000ED9FB 000ED9FC
000ED9FD 000ED9FE
000ED9FF 000EDA00
000EDA01 000EDA02
000EDA03 000EDA04
000EDA05 000EDA06
000EDA07 000EDA08
000EDA09 000EDA0A
000EDA0B 000EDA0C
000EDA0D 000EDA0E
000EDA0F 000EDA10
000EDA11 000EDA12
000EDA13 000EDA16
000EDA17 000EDA19
000EDA1A 000EDA1B
000EDA1C 000EDA1D
000EDA1E 000EDA1F
000EDA20 000EDA21
000EDA22 000EDA23
000EDA24 000EDA25
000EDA26 000EDA27
000EDA28 000EDA29
000EDA2A 000EDA2B
000EDA2C 000EDA2D
000EDA2E 000EDA2F
000EDA30 000EDA31
000EDA32 000EDA33
000EDA34 000EDA3B
000EDA3C 000EDA3D
000EDA3F 000EDA40
000EDA41 000EDA44
000EDA45 000EDA46
000EDA47 000EDA48
000EDA49 000EDA4A
000EDA4B 000EDA4C
000EDA4D 000EDA4E
000EDA50 000EDA51
000EDA52 000EDA53
000EDA54 000EDA55
000EDA56 000EDA57
000EDA58 000EDA59
000EDA5A 000EDA5B
000EDA5C 000EDA5D
000EDA5E 000EDA5F
000EDA60 000EDA61
000EDA62 000EDA63
000EDA64 000EDA65
000EDA66 000EDA67
000EDA7F 000EDA80
000EDA84 000EDA86
000EDA87 000EDA88
000EDA89 000EDA8A
D5000000 000EDA8C
C0000000 00000022
D6000000 00000514
D4000000 00000001
D1000000 00000000
D3000000 33011934
0000059C 000EDABB
E00005A0 000000D8
000EDAC0 000EDAC6
000EDAF0 000EDAF1
000EDAF2 000EDAF3
000EDAF4 000EDAF5
000EDAF6 000EDAF7
000EDAF8 000EDAF9
000EDB00 000EDB01
000EDB02 000EDB1B
000EDB1C 000EDB4C
000EDB4E 000EDB51
000EDB53 000EDB55
000EDB56 000EDB57
000EDB58 000EDB6F
000EDB70 000EDB71
000EDB72 000EDB73
000EDB74 000EDB88
000EDB89 000EDB8A
000EDB8B 000EDB8C
000EDB8D 000EDB8E
000EDB8F 000EDB90
000EDB91 000EDB92
000EDB93 000EDB94
000EDB95 000EDB96
000EDB97 000EDB98
D2000000 00000000


Get all TMs and HMs:

DD000000 00000044
D3000000 330122F8
D5000000 00000548
C0000000 0000005C
D6000000 00000000
D4000000 00000001
D1000000 00000000
D3000000 330122F8
E0000170 00000038
0000066A 0000066B
0000066C 000006B2
000006B3 000006B4
000006B5 000006B6
000005A4 000005A5
000005A6 000005A7
000005A8 000005A9
000001A8 000006E1
D2000000 00000000

All Medicine x950 (PRESS SELECT + UP)

Own lots of Pokemeds:

DD000000 00000044
D3000000 330124A8
D5000000 000ED811
C0000000 00000026
D6000000 00000000
D4000000 00000001
D1000000 00000000
D3000000 330124A8
E0000098 00000040
000ED841 000ED842
000ED843 000ED886
000ED9F8 000EDA35
000EDA36 000EDA37
000EDA38 000EDA39
000EDA3A 000EDA4F
000EDA85 000EDAC4
000EDAC5 000EDB54
D2000000 00000000

Fast Berry Grow

Expedite the growth of your berries with this cheat:

0044D948 E3A04000
0044D94C E5C14000
0044D950 E3A04001
0044D954 E5CC4000

More Rainbow Pelago Beans

All beans that fall from the beanstalk in Poke Pelago will be Rainbow beans:

0044DEBC E3A0600E

Unlock All Z Crystals (PRESS SELECT + UP)

DD000000 00000044
D3000000 330126A4
D5000000 00000727
C0000000 0000001D
D6000000 00000000
D4000000 00000001
D1000000 00000000
D3000000 330126A4
00000074 0000079F
00000078 000007A0
0000007C 000007A1
00000080 000007A2
00000084 000007A3
00000088 000007A4
D2000000 00000000


Change your Pokemon roster anytime, anywhere:

E05B9EE0 00000088
E92D400E E59F1074
E5912000 E3A03000
E5813000 E3A03C13
E2833093 E1520003
03A04000 11A04000
E8BD800E E350000E
EAF711CB E92D400F
E24DD010 E3A00000
E58D0000 E58D0004
E58D0008 E58D000C
E1A03000 E1A02000
E3A01C13 E2811093
E59F0018 E5801000
E59F0014 E5900000
EBF7803B E3A00002
E28DD010 E8BD800F
00667000 006A3984
0037CB10 EB08F4FD
00389F88 EB08BFD4
DD000000 00000008
005B9F10 1AF711CB
D0000000 00000000

Can Throw Pokeball at Trial

Capture those wild Pokemon while doing trials:

580BC3D4 E1A01004
50667014 00000000
00667014 00000010
D0000000 00000000
D0000000 00000000
60667014 00000000
D9000000 00667014
D6000000 00667014
D0000000 00000000
D3000000 00000000
50667014 00000001
08077B8C E3A00001
080BC3D4 E3A01000
D0000000 00000000

More Rainbow Pelago Beans

All beans that fall from the beanstalk in Poke Pelago will be Rainbow beans:

0044DEBC E3A0600E

Unlock All Z Crystals (PRESS SELECT + UP)

DD000000 00000044
D3000000 330126A4
D5000000 00000727
C0000000 0000001D
D6000000 00000000
D4000000 00000001
D1000000 00000000
D3000000 330126A4
00000074 0000079F
00000078 000007A0
0000007C 000007A1
00000080 000007A2
00000084 000007A3
00000088 000007A4
D2000000 00000000


Change your Pokemon roster anytime, anywhere:

E05B9EE0 00000088
E92D400E E59F1074
E5912000 E3A03000
E5813000 E3A03C13
E2833093 E1520003
03A04000 11A04000
E8BD800E E350000E
EAF711CB E92D400F
E24DD010 E3A00000
E58D0000 E58D0004
E58D0008 E58D000C
E1A03000 E1A02000
E3A01C13 E2811093
E59F0018 E5801000
E59F0014 E5900000
EBF7803B E3A00002
E28DD010 E8BD800F
00667000 006A3984
0037CB10 EB08F4FD
00389F88 EB08BFD4
DD000000 00000008
005B9F10 1AF711CB
D0000000 00000000

Unlock All Pokepuffs

Make all of your Pokemon affectionate towards you:

D3000000 30000000
C0000000 00000014
23051708 00000063
DC000000 00000001
D2000000 00000000

3. Misc Cheats

These cheats can help you manipulate other aspects of the game, such as mini-games, additional features, etc.

Max Money

Become the richest kid in Alola:

6066F3DC 00000000
B066F3DC 00000000
B000001C 00000000
B0000024 00000000
B0000004 00000000
000038E8 0098967F
D2000000 00000000

Instant Messages

Read messages right away:

003D08FC E3A05003
003D0058 E3A04003

No Outlines

Make the game’s graphics look less pixelated:

0042FBA4 E320F000


Witness more of Alola’s sceneries:

605B9F80 ED940A1C
005B9F80 ED940A1C
005B9F84 ED9F1A03
005B9F88 EE300A01
005B9F8C ED840A1C
005B9F90 E2840004
005B9F94 E12FFF1E
005B9F98 00000000
D0000000 00000000
5803B784 E2840004
0803B784 EBFAA9FD
D0000000 00000000
DD000000 00000204
005B9F98 C4BB8000
D0000000 00000000
DD000000 00000104
005B9F98 00000000
D0000000 00000000

Fast Treasure Hunt

Make treasure hunting a lot easier:

0044E534 E3A04000
0044E538 E5C34000
0044E53C E3A04001
0044E540 E5CC4000

Infinite Island Scans

Remove the limiter when doing island scanning:

00455674 E2400000

Each QR Scan = 100 Points

Score max QR Scan points with this cheat:

0045559C E3510000

Rotom Power x950 (PRESS SELECT + UP)

Gain access to all Rotom buffs:

DD000000 00000044
D3000000 33012730
00000000 000EDBB5
00000004 000EDBB6
00000008 000EDBB7
0000000C 000EDBB8
00000010 000EDBB9
00000014 000EDBBA
00000018 000EDBBB
0000001C 000EDBBC
00000020 000EDBBD
00000024 000EDBBE
00000028 000EDBBF
D2000000 00000000

All Clothes for Male (PRESS SELECT + UP)

Flex your outfit:

DD000000 00000044
D3000000 33052A30
D5000000 00000001
C0000000 00000040
D8000000 00000000
D1000000 00000000
D5000000 00000000
C0000000 0000007C
D8000000 00000000
D1000000 00000000
D5000000 00000001
C0000000 00000015
D8000000 00000000
D1000000 00000000
D5000000 00000000
C0000000 00000009
D8000000 00000000
D1000000 00000000
D5000000 00000001
C0000000 0000012A
D8000000 00000000
D1000000 00000000
D5000000 00000000
C0000000 00000098
D8000000 00000000
D1000000 00000000
D5000000 00000001
C0000000 0000006C
D8000000 00000000
D1000000 00000000
D5000000 00000000
C0000000 000000AD
D8000000 00000000
D1000000 00000000
D5000000 00000001
C0000000 00000026
D8000000 00000000
D1000000 00000000
D5000000 00000000
C0000000 00000077
D8000000 00000000
D1000000 00000000
D5000000 00000001
C0000000 00000061
D8000000 00000000
D1000000 00000000
D5000000 00000000
C0000000 00000064
D8000000 00000000
D1000000 00000000
D5000000 00000001
C0000000 0000006E
D8000000 00000000
D1000000 00000000
D5000000 00000000
C0000000 00000043
D8000000 00000000
D1000000 00000000
D3000000 33052A30
000001D8 01030101
00000304 01010301
000004B0 00010301
00000584 00000003
D2000000 00000000

Use Z Moves Without Z Crystals

No need to collect all Z Crystals with this cheat:

E05B9DE0 00000058
E92D407D E1A00006
EA000000 E92D407D
E1D510B4 E59D201C
E202530F E3550203
18BD807D E59F300C
EB000004 E59F3008
EB000002 E8BD807D
30000404 300073EC
E2834018 E4935004
E1550002 01A01000
E1530004 1AFFFFFA
005B9E38 E12FFF1E
0031BF34 EB0A77A9
0031BFA4 EB0A7790
00375F84 E3A00000
DD000000 00000200
00375F84 E3A00001
D0000000 00000000

No Forced Trainer Battles

Let other trainers mind their own business:

58031E98 EB00F509
08031E98 E3A00001
D0000000 00000000


Fight other trainers the second time:

004B9354 E5911004
004B9358 E5900044
DD000000 00000200
004B9354 E3A00000
004B9358 E12FFF1E
D0000000 00000000


Using cheats can add excitement to your game. However, activating cheats can sometimes be tricky. Don’t worry, there are ways to make them work. If you need help, just leave a comment below


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